Do you love reading Kindle books but don't know what to say when it comes to reviewing them?
You want to express yourself, and give love to the authors of books you enjoyed, but thinking of what to write in a review has felt like a chore?
Well lookie what we have here, good news! You can now rate your Kindle books without having to write a single word. All you need to do is click the star-rating at the end of your book and skip right over that pesky review box. And voila!
Huh?!! Where? How?
When you're finished with your book, a pop-up window appears with stars to push. THEN it asks for a review, so it SEEMS like you have to leave one. But you can skip that the stars still show show up.
Your Kindle device (or the free Kindle app if you read on your phone) will show you how many stars you can give the book out of five. Choose whichever star-rating fits how much you enjoyed it - one star if you thought it was absolute crap, two if so-so, three if it was entertaining but you probably won't read it again (or even think about it), four if you enjoyed it a lot, and frankly if you did, I'd say why not give it five and help your favorite authors out. We rely on reviews and getting great feedback when someone has loved our stories inspires us to keep writing more!
Ratings matter just as much as reviews. So don't forget to give your kindle books a rating so other people can read what you think about them.
It's kind of like magic to be able to rate without reviewing now - but only kind of.
Happy rating!